
Free Audits for SAU Students!


You all get one FREE audit every semester! That class you always wanted to take but couldn't justify because it was out of your major? You can now audit (take for no credit) it at no extra cost. Previously this privilege was limited to faculty and staff and Southern Scholars, but this semester they've opened it up to everyone. The school isn't making a big deal about it, but it is definitely in effect :)



  1. Is it too late to add one?

  2. I think the last day is sometime this week... Not sure exactly.

  3. Renee and I were just talking about that last night on the phone while discussing grad school options. That's awesome they're doing that!

  4. Apparently it was today :-/

  5. I feel like I've been jipped. (spelling?) There are so many classes I would have loved to have audited. Maybe I should just go for another bachelor's degree. ;)

  6. I wish they would have done that while I was still there! I would have loved to take any number of classes...oh well. :) Enjoy it for me!


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