
I'm Afraid a Wee Bit of Intertemporal Discounting is Required...

Hey guys, sorry it's been such a long time, school (mainly the associated schoolwork) keeps on rearing it's persistent snout. Fear not however, because I have been storing up interesting topics to blog about when I have more time. Here's a sneak preview: unique uniformity, Scalia's dissenting opinion in McCreary v. American Civil Liberties Union, embroidery, and perhaps the joys of economical shopping. :) Don't they sound like tasty topics? But anyway, I'm afraid that just now, when I've succeeded in activating your mental salivary glands, I'm going to force you to develop your skills in intertemporal discounting (a favorite virtue of mine, otherwise known as delayed self-gratification). So, until a more opportune time,



  1. haha, yes, yes, You never fail to remind me about delayed gratification. Especially on Christmas morning :)

  2. Does delayed gratification have something to do with the lapse of time since your last post? :)

  3. Sounds fascinating! I'm looking forward to much intellectual stimulation over the next few weeks :)
    when school will not interfere with learning ;)
    I pray Gods' blessings on you as you challenge those opportunities to prove excellence! (aka. exams)

  4. I'm in the same boat. law school finals are killer. I just took a savage 3 hour evidence exam. I'm not sure I'll have enough brain power to post after these tests get through with me, but i'm looking forward to reading your blog:-)

  5. ok joel, exams are over, you can post now! :)

  6. I think Johonn's right. You've kept us waiting long enough ;)

  7. ok ok, thank you for your patience!


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