My Battle
Two Ways of Living in Anticipation of the Latter Rain

How many of us like John are praying for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit, while by our actions we are telling those around us that we don’t really believe?

Intimations of the Ocean

Study Subjects

The experience of Enoch and of John the Baptist represents what ours should be. Far more than we do, we need to study the lives of these men,—he who was translated to heaven without seeing death; and he who, before Christ’s first advent, was called to prepare the way of the Lord, to make His paths straight.
Gospel Workers 51
The Ambulance Down in the Valley

Welcome to Durham

Today I arrived in Durham, NC. I promptly found a library and enquired about a library card (ID and a letter addressed to you in Durham), then moved in to my new abode, Open Air Camp, high above the banks of the Eno River. After I had everything unpacked, I set out on my next important task; exploring the area for prospective running routes. Fortunately, we're on the edge of Eno River State Park, and just down the hill and across the river is a lovely trail that wanders along the river bank for about four miles. I saw four deer, two squirrels, one rabbit, and one black and yellow snake. The welcoming committee was out in force!
I think the singing is what I miss most of all
Mild case of poison ivy: Inconvenient
1,200 miles worth of gas: $155.88
Getting to spend the weekend with a few of my best friends: Well, you know :)
You always have a choice. Jesus died so you could have a choice. Never let yourself believe that you don't have a choice between doing what's right and sinning. No matter how firmly a habit is ingrained, or how deeply embedded a genetic predisposition is, Jesus lives to give you the right to choose. Your ability to choose is the most respected right in the Universe. Satan can't force you to sin, and God won't make you do right. No matter how far you've fallen, God will give you (through the Holy Spirit) the power boost necessary for you to be able to make an honest choice.
Our problem is that too often we go through life without thinking about the choices we're making--except perhaps to regret them after we've made bad ones.
I can pretty much guarantee that within the next few days I'm going to be faced with a multitude of choices. But the first decision I will make--consciously this time--is to believe that I have a choice, thanks to the One who poured out His life to restore my right to choose.
(Deuteronomy 30:19, Joshua 24:15, Proverbs 1:29-33, etc.)
Prayer Meeting
Discoveries at the Asian Market

Last Installment of Kotobi Church Pictures

Kotobi Church #3 - The Last Week

Kotobi Church #2

Kotobi Church Pictures #1
A Month of Sabbaths
Back in Kenya
Luke and I have arrived safely back in Kenya, and after a few days of
work (and animal-spotting) at Africa Mission Services/Mara West camp
on the Masai Mara game preserve, we're getting ready to return home to
the States. You probably already know the gist of what I'm going to
say about how things have been going--basically, God answers prayer!
Five intensely busy weeks of work after we started laying the
foundation, on Sabbath, February
22, Luke and I and the local congregation worshipped together in the
new building. This was by far the highlight of our trip. Finishing
Pastor Julius' house was nice. Pouring the slab at Eyira Adventist
Vocational Academy was gratifying, but worshipping for the first time
in a church you helped design and build from the ground up is. . .
On top of that, God answered our prayers for Divine wisdom as Luke had
a series of discussions with the Mundri church and a couple of unhappy
individuals, succeeding (at midnight, the night before we left) in
working out solutions that seemed to solve the major issues and leave
everybody on friendly terms. Thank you for praying with us about
this! There were a number of times when we wondered whether
everything was going to fall apart, but God proved that He has a
thousand ways to work things out.
I'll be posting pictures of our progress sometime next week (when I
can find a place to get film developed!) so be sure to drop back by
and see what the new church looks like :)
Once again, we can't thank you enough for your prayers and
encouragement all throughout our latest African journey. I've learned
a lot about building buildings, and hopefully about building character
as well.