Well, as you may be able to tell, I am not the most prolific blogger of the bunch. However, I have finally managed to find the time to add to my collection of musings.

School is out for the summer, and just in time, too! I don't know if I could have survived another week. I've been enjoying the simple pleasures of being at home, like getting scratches on my legs and dirt under my fingernails while clearing brush off a potential garden plot, pulling weeds, trying to contain erosion by our creek, mowing the lawn, trimming broken limbs, and just generally finding excuses to be outside.
School is out for the summer, and just in time, too! I don't know if I could have survived another week. I've been enjoying the simple pleasures of being at home, like getting scratches on my legs and dirt under my fingernails while clearing brush off a potential garden plot, pulling weeds, trying to contain erosion by our creek, mowing the lawn, trimming broken limbs, and just generally finding excuses to be outside.
Lest you think that I've only been working, I've also found some time for flower-gazing, frisbee-playing, dog-appreciating, creek-sitting, as well as devoting plenty of time to book- and magazine-reading! It's so nice to be able to actually read all the articles I've been laying aside until "after exams." And Mom's food....fresh-cooked asparagus and homemade baked beans and cornbread and delicious soy black raspberry coconut ice cream (Christy's contribution;) and one of the best things...no minimum to fret about!
It's also been very refreshing to be able to have plenty of quality devotion time. There's nothing quite like spending time with God while sunbeams and birdsongs drift in through the window.
Solomon also appreciated the value of the simple blessings God has given us:
"18 Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life. 19 And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God." Ecclesiastes 5:18-19
27“Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all h is glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 28 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly ca re for you. Luke 12:27-28
God has richly blessed me with a plethora of good things, from delicious food to my devoted German Shepherd, Chestnut. Satan has lots of exciting, enticing sins waiting for me on my computer screen and in magazines, but these flashy distractions are also strangely unsatisfying and sadly temporary. I've come to the realization that while the world's pleasures might be entertaining, God's way is so much better!! By the marvelous, mysterious grace of God, I am choosing to be captured by the infinitely more valuable joy of an Eternity with my Creator!
Very nice indeed, brother dear :) And I like the pictures that you took of the beautiful flowers outside :) And yes, we need to start that garden :D And I do think your plan for stopping the creek's erosion is a good one. I just had to mull over it for a little while. We should get started on it soon before we get another mini-flood :) And Chestnut is a wonderful companion. I feel bad about tiring her out with my run this morning. And Yay for Frisbee! Mom wants to get rid of the dandylions.... I think it's sad because they make our yard nice and cheerful :D :D The cinnamon buns smell very good. And we need to start cleaning the house. I'd better go put on some marching mic so we can get to it :D Love you brother dear :D
ReplyDeleteQuite a Nirvana you have described. Today I was thinking about how I often get really excited and then really low, but have not been able to maintain that steady good. Your thoughts and this verse really sank in "Isa 59:8 The way of peace they know not" It God's way is not in the extreme, but in the simple, the still, "Luk 1:79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and [in] the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! Sounds like you have the start of a great summer there! Hope you can get that erosion under control, you wouldn't want your house to float away one night... :)
ReplyDeleteWow! I like hearing how your summer is going. I'll write a blog soon about mine. The way that you write is just so fun to read. It's very literary! See you later, Can't wait till camp!
ReplyDeleteNice 8mm Prusik loops :)